Looking to the future, our club received a presentation on how the plan for the future "look" of our town came together.  Presenting were the Hon. Dean  Dietrich, Town Supervisor Derek Doty, Town Councilperson Emily Kilburn-Politi and Development Director Haley Breen.  Included in the presentation was a look at the future of what we call now the "Horse Show Grounds," evolving into a multi-purpose venue for events and entertainment.  Over 1200 people completed a recent survey, offering feedback essential to planning in the area.  Of significances is one of the top five priorities identified in the survey was a lack of childcare in the area. There is a new survey out asking what people are looking for in terms of childcare. To take the survey, use your cellphone camera to focus on the QR code below and click the link that pops up.   See the presentation deck here:  https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/11DKXKNUMAX-2iuoRONzrJe7KdJPtqwYL/edit?usp=sharing&ouid=114952308540517625750&rtpof=true&sd=true