If you're reading this then you are breakfast/lunch/dinner/snack for the famous Adirondack black fly.  While we may like spring and summer, black flies are part of the package.  Here in North Elba/Lake Placid there is a black fly control program headed by John Riley.  John visited our club with a presentation that told us everything we wanted to know and more.  While not a fashion statement, some say that a head net is de rigueur in those months.  Since 1994, the control program has focused on targeted waterways with preventative measures.  See the FAQ here https://on.ny.gov/3wv9HQ0.  And for a really deep dive, take a "bite" at John's presentation here https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1ZgiA30pPUjwr3ExY6xVMyx1Sy-yHvOuM/edit?usp=sharing&ouid=114952308540517625750&rtpof=true&sd=true