ur June 15th meeting featured Sue McKinney, a visiting Rotarian from the Uptown Oakland (CA) club. Sue divides her time between the US and Vietnam where she works with the Rotary Vietnam Project to help stop the very serious global issue of human trafficking. We had a very enlightening presentation which included a video which you can see here.  https://youtu.be/OBE-XYzLUjc  Sue told us how people from areas of extreme poverty can be duped into being ensnared into being sold just like a piece of property numerous times over. This is not something that happens in other parts of the world.  Sue said that if you know the code words, etc. we would find that human trafficking exists even here in the Adirondacks.  If you suspect that a person is being trafficked, report it anonymously to the National Human Trafficking Hotline at 1-888-373-7888.